The Cardigan Welsh Corgi![]() Swiss & International Ch. Kincroft Kaitangata 09.09.2001 - 16.12.2015 introducing Peter Clifton's Illustrated Breed Standard (KC and FCI) Peter Clifton is a judge and breeder of Joseter Cardigans since 1952 (Chapters to be viewed with Windows Media Player or other media player) Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: History Chapter 3: Head Chapter 4: Eyes Chapter 5: Ears Chapter 6: Mouth Chapter 7: Forequarters Chapter 8: Body Chapter 9: Hindquarters Chapter 10: Feet Chapter 11: Tail Chapter 12: Movement Chapter 13: Coat Chapter 14: Colour Chapter 15: Size Reproduced with the kind permission of Peter Clifton. 12.11.2017 |