The Accident

They think because you're little
It can't hurt - but it can
That you never feel the pain
Till you're a woman or a man.
"You shall have another"
Doesn't help one little bit,
When the puppy that they gave you
And you loved so much, was hit
By the lorry that drove on and
Left him - only six weeks old,
Lying there - not breathing,
But still and dead and cold.

They think that they can go right out
And buy another pet,
And because you're only five years old
Tomorrow you'll forget.
They wouldn't let me pick him up
I couldn't even stay.
They took my hand, dried my tears,
And bundled me away.
I didn't know which way to turn,
And so I ran and ran.
They think because you're little
It can't hurt - but it can.

"Through the eyes of a child" by Eileen Smith
Reproduced with the kind permission of "Our Corgi World".
