
FCI - Fédération Cynologique Internationale

The Kennel Club
Pet Travel Scheme Government Information on British import regulations for pets.

Excellent advice for dog owners on health and training can be found here:

Suisse - Schweiz. Kynologische Gesellschaft / SCS - Société Cynologique Suisse/
Bundesamt für Veterinärwesen Reisen mit Hunden
Office vétérinaire féderal Voyager avec des chiens
Swiss Veterinary Service Travelling to Switzerland with your dog
Klinik für Fortpflanzungsmedizin, Hünenberg/ZG
Wandern mit Hunden Tipps und Links.
KAMO / CAMO (Commission Agility, Mobility, Obedience
Therapiehunde Schweiz

VDH -Verband für das deutsche Hundewesen
Club für Britische Hütehunde, Deutschland
Laboklin GmbH - akkreditieres Laboratorium für Gentests / laboratoire accrédité pour tests génétiques - Deutsche Website rund um den Hund und andere Haustiere.

Österreichischer Club für britische Hütehunde
ÖKV - Oesterreichischer Kynologenverband

SCC - Société Centrale Canine

Corgi Websites

The Welsh Corgi League Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association UK Für Freunde und Liebhaber des Welsh Corgi Pembroke Deutsche Seite rund um den Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Corgi Post Welsh Corgi Club Italia
Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America
Dutch Welsh Corgi Club Cardicommentary International Cardigan Corgi site
Corgis Club de France Welsh Corgi Fanciers of Italy
Welsh Corgi Klubben, Danmark Norwegian Welsh Corgi Club
Swedish Welsh Corgi Club Finnish Welsh Corgi Club
Polish Welsh Corgi Club with English version Schweizerischer Welsh Corgi Klub
Central Welsh Corgi League, New Zealand (Facebook) The Lesser Corgi Society
Helping you avoid going to the dogs
Blue Merle Pembroke Welsh Ccrgis
Fact vs. Fiction - A guide to educate before you buy.
Excellent information! Website is not always accessible. Just keep trying! Dog colour genetics
Corgis vom Ghei
The Daily Corgi
now on Facebook
Corgi Addict
Also on Facebook
Embroider Bee (T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. with Pembroke and Cardigan Corgi embroidery) Béatrice Quinio, Animal Art Lots of good advice for dog owners
Support The WatchingThe Watching
Get a copy of The Watching for yourself and as a gift for your friends!
All net proceeds benefit CorgiAid!

The Brooke Hospital for Animals Aims to improve the lives of horses, donkeys and mules working in the poorest parts of the world by treating the animals and instructing their owners in the proper care.

APOPO HeroRATs (African giant pouched rats) are saving lives, sniffing out dangers such as landmines and disease. A fully-trained HeroRAT can identify landmines quickly and efficiently, or can sniff out deadly pulmonary tuberculosis faster than traditional laboratory microscopy.
Winner of the Global Giving Photocontest 2017
Animals Asiahttps://www.Animals Asia
End Bear Bile Farming
Cat and Dog Welfare
Captive Animal Welfare
Vier PfotenFOUR PAWS International/VIER PFOTEN International
Jacquie Lawson e-cards
