Old Video from Cardigan Show Classes in the Mid 1960'sThe quality of this old video (without sound) found on YouTube is not very good but the historical interest more than makes up for the lack of polish, and if you are interested in Cardigan history it's worth persevering to the end.Simon Parsons, international judge of Welsh Corgis and other breeds, was also the editor of Dog World for many years. Dog World was a weekly newspaper published in the UK, founded in February 1902 and ceased in June 2017. His profound knowledge of the two breeds combined with an excellent memory makes him a reliable source of information. Therefore I turned to him in the hope that he could identify at least some of the people and dogs in the video. And indeed, it didn't take long and I received more information than I ever had hoped for. Thank you Simon! This is what he came up with: ![]() Ma Power (left), president of CWCA for over 25 years until 1979 and breeder of Hannaford Cardigans, and Bessie Witheridge (Bridgemont Cardigans), former secretary. (Thank you Peter Clifton!) I've done a bit of delving and reckon the first show featured is Leicester in 1966 with Joe Braddon judging. Dog CC went to the red , Susan Evans' Ch Bonvilston Syr-Iago and the bitch CC and BOB to the sable, Mrs Hammond's Dilwel Gwynfil. This bitch features throughout the clip so I wonder if it was the Hammonds who filmed it? Next I think is Cheshire show in 1967 with Agnes Parkinson judging. Dog CC was Kit Rob's flashily marked dark brindle Ch Echium of Hezelclose with RCC to the Pratts' smart red Ch Pim of Critum, both quite young at the time. BOB was Gwen Roberts' brindle point tri Ch Robgwen Black Beauty. Have always thought she looked fabulous in photos and this clip only confirms that! Then comes Three Counties with the Malvern Hills and George Leatt, distinctive in plus fours, judging. Dog CC here was Sonnica Godden's brindle Ch Kentwood Emrys (what a great handler she was) with the bitch CC and BOB going to Vi Higgs' brindle Robgwen Solitaire, litter sister to Black Beauty. This was Vi's first Cardi CC and you can see how happy she was. George seems to be appreciating the hug! It was Solitaire's only CC but she was a great foundation for the Apollinaris Cardis. At first I thought the red headed lady judging next was Thelma Gray but I can see Daphne Slark showing some of the Rozavels (Galawnt and the extravagantly white-marked merle, presumably the famous Ch Blue Rosette) so am guessing this might be Kay Rees judging at City of Birmingham. I'm pretty sure the man in the flat cap is Oliver Jones (Pembroke pioneer and later Cardi enthusiast) with his great brindle Ch Pantyblaidd Pip (ancestor of all the Joseter winners). He won RCC that day behind Emrys. Then we have an indoor show. Might that be the CWCA 1966 with Mrs Honey judging? If so Agnes' Ch Parmel Digger was BOB, another very famous dog quite unmistakable with his dramatic white markings - wonder what people would make of that today? Windsor 1967 - in those days many breed clubs including the CWCA had a breed tent at the show where members and anyone else interested were made welcome. In those days the show was in a slightly different part of the Home Park with a better view of the castle. Fred Parsons was judging and Emrys won the dog CC and Agnes' brindle Ch Parmel Gaiety Girl was BOB. I think the tri bitch with Sonnica would be Kentwood Perl. Reserves were the Dilwel Jones' red Ch Southpark Gerwyn and sable Dilwel Rowena, while Echium and Galawnt can be seen again. This segues into South Wales with Hugh Vaughan judging. I spy Rae Harries at ringside. Pim was BOB, with Emrys second in open, and Gwen won the bitch CC with Black Beauty. The camera lingers on Gwynfil once again, here she was second in open. The final show, frustratingly, has the judge's head cut off but it was a lady and I do wonder if the show was Leicester where Peter Clifton's mum Eve Barker was judging. The winners look right, Pim and Gwen's brindle Ch Robgwen Welsh Fire, the third superb bitch from a remarkable litter. I guess only Peter among present day Cardi people was around at the time so if he can identify other people and dogs that would be most welcome. After watching all this, Anita's and my reaction was first how many more reds and sables there were than we would probably see today, and secondly how many of the dogs looked cheerful with happily wagging tails - this was before exhibitors started to stack their Cardis American-style. 26.07.2019 |